GoodBerry results for growers

After two years of trials, GoodBerry has already generated many interesting results with direct applicability for the growers’ community. In order to make our findings accessible we have submitted 13 practice abstracts to the EIP AGRI platform, a platform used to link the different actors of the agricultural sector and share innovative project ideas and results.

Furthermore we added a new section to our project website dedicated to “applied publications” where we store all relevant publications for breeders, growers and everyone who can profit from the GoodBerry results. These include the EIP practice abstracts but also articles published in growers’ magazines and presentations held at dedicated events.

Interested by a poster in English on LED lamps as alternative for incandescent glow bulb or an article in Dutch on drivers for flower initiation of strawberry? Take a look and find out how our findings can be a benefit to you.